Friday, August 1, 2008

Old Friends

I just finished reading an e-mail that one of my oldest friends wrote me. He sent me a song/poem I think to be done to the tune of Penny Lane (Beatles). It is called Stephy Lane. It was so cool to read. He put this phrase, "Room... Door!" in the song. That phrase was uttered by our parents every time we entered the Terry's home. This meant, go into the boys' room, shut the door, and don't come out unless one of you is on fire. We would stay in there for hours playing. And we always got along. I don't remember one arguement. I can't believe that it is true, but I really can't remember one time that we ever fought or got mad at each other. I watch Connor and his friends play now, and can't believe that kids can manage to get along like we did. To read those words now really brings those memories flooding back, thank you, Brian.

I moved around so much in my life that I really don't have any childhood friends - except Brian and Lee Jay. Every time I would move, I would leave the friends I had made behind. So, staying in touch with these two brothers is very important to me. Besides my family, they are the only people that have known me all of my life, so they are very special to me. We have gone through stages in our lives where we have gotten out of touch, but since the age of computers, and now blogs, we are able to at least email occasionally and read about each other's lives. They are a bit of a touchstone for me. I hope to always be a part of each other's lives.


Grampy said...

Very nice blog entry (and great pic's of the Bracken Bunch). . . You're fortunate to appreciate family and friends -- and you have some great ones! -- Luv to all, Uncle Ed

Stephanie said...

Thank you, Ed. You're one of the "great ones!"

About Me

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The Bracken Family consists of Kevin, Stephanie, Connor, Kendall, and Jack